Table of Contents

LoRa Gateway




Production files


Gerber X2

Gerber RS-274X

Start guide


There are two ways to get the firmware:


Available soon.


Download and extract the buildroot release:

  tar xf buildroot-2018.08.tar.gz

Clone Grinn examples repository:

  git clone

Configure the buildroot:

  cd buildroot-2018.08
  make BR2_EXTERNAL=<path/to>/examples grinn_loragw_defconfig

where <path/to> is path to cloned Grinn examples repository.

Build the firmware:

  make all

After successful build microSD card image sdcard.img can be found in output/images/ directory.

Bootable microSD card

After getting the firmware, flash a microSD card with sdcard.img file:

  sudo dd if=<path/to>/sdcard.img of=/dev/<sd_card> bs=1M

where <path/to> is path to built or downloaded firmware image and <sd_card> can be sdX or mmcblkX.

Board preparation

Terminal connection

There are two ways to connect to a gateway:

  1. Via SSH (if the IP address is known)
  2. Via USB↔UART converter connected to the DBG (J4) goldpins (baudrate: 115200, 8N1)

Log in as:

  user: root
  password: root


To configure your device it's necessary to edit few files with embedded vi editor. (More about using).

Gateway EUI

In you own your EUI and want to assign it to the gateway follow point 1. If not follow point 2.

1. Owned EUI

Log into the gateway and edit the configuration file:

  vi /ttn/local_conf.json

Overwrite the gateway_ID value:

  "gateway_conf": {
      "gateway_ID": "<my EUI>",
      /* Devices */

Save the file and then run the following command:


2. Generate EUI

Log into the gateway and type the following command:

  /ttn/ /ttn/local_conf.json

Response should looks like following:

  Gateway_ID set to <EUI> in file local_conf.json

Then run the following command:


3. Check EUI

To see currently set Gateway EUI run the following command:

  grep "gateway_ID" /ttn/local_conf.json


This paragraph consists information how to set up the Internet connection over the GSM module. If you want to use only Ethernet link you don't need to follow this part.

1. APN

Open the apn file with the vi editor (type the following command):

  vi /etc/ppp/chatscripts/apn

edit the last string (default value is internet) according to the following:


Save the file and then type:


2. PIN

If your SIM card doesn't have a PIN then you don't need to do this step. Otherwise follow the instructions.

Open the pin file with the vi editor (type the following command):

  vi /etc/ppp/chatscripts/pin

change the default string:


to the following:


where <PIN> is your pin e.g. 1234. Then type command:



The Things Network

Sign up on and open console.

Choose Gateways and then Register gateway. Check option I'm using the legacy packet forwarder and type the gateway EUI which you own or generated in previous step. Choose frequency plan and router according to your region.

Register your gateway and restart it. After few minutes you its status should change to connected.

Other LoRaWAN network

To work with other LoRaWAN network it's necessary to adjust the gateway configuration.

Log into the gateway and edit the configuration file:

  vi /ttn/local_conf.json 

Find section servers and add new instance or edit existing one. The gateway can forward packets to maximum 4 servers parallelly.

  /* node servers for poly packet server (max 4) */
  [ { "server_address": "",
      "serv_port_up": 1680,
      "serv_port_down": 1681,
      "serv_enabled": false },
    { "server_address": "",
      "serv_port_up": 1700,
      "serv_port_down": 1700,
      "serv_enabled": true } ],

for example:

  /* node servers for poly packet server (max 4) */
  [ { "server_address": "",
      "serv_port_up": 1780,
      "serv_port_down": 1780,
      "serv_enabled": true },
    { "server_address": "",
      "serv_port_up": 1700,
      "serv_port_down": 1700,
      "serv_enabled": true } ],

Save file and type the following command:
